
Guide for Clients Retiring in 2024: What They Need to Know

Retirement guide 2024


Demystifying retirement is crucial for everyone, especially those preparing to retire in 2024. It’s more than just age; significant financial considerations come into play. But the good news is, with the right information, anyone can retire comfortably and securely. This guide is intended to equip upcoming retirees with critical knowledge, helping create suitable plans for a revitalizing retirement.

Navigating the Social Security Landscape

Understanding how Social Security works and devising strategies to maximize your benefits is vital for your retirement.

  • Decide when to claim: The age you choose to claim Social Security can drastically affect the size of your monthly benefit. While you can start receiving benefits from age 62, waiting until your Full Retirement Age (FRA) or beyond can significantly increase your payments.
  • Work history: Your benefits are calculated based on your 35 highest-earning years. Working extra years can replace any zero-income years, thus boosting your benefits.
  • Marital status: Married couples need to coordinate when and how they claim benefits. The right claiming strategy can lead to increased lifetime benefits.
  • Taxes on benefits: Understanding how Social Security benefits are taxed can help you budget your retirement money wisely.

Managing and Maintaining Your Health

Your health plays an integral role in retirement, and securing appropriate health insurance is imperative to cover healthcare costs.

  • Medicare: It’s vital to understand what Medicare covers and what it doesn’t. You should also be aware of the enrollment process and the different parts of Medicare, including Parts A, B, D, and Medicare Advantage.
  • Medigap: Supplemental insurance, or Medigap, covers things that Medicare doesn’t. Consider whether this might be good financial protection in case of a health crisis.
  • Long-term care: It’s never too early to start planning for long-term care. Look into long-term care insurance and check if it makes sense for your individual situation.
  • Maintain your health: Staying active can do wonders for both your physical and mental health. There’s no better time than in retirement to start a new exercise regimen or diet.

Investing for Retirement

While you may have already started investing for retirement, your strategy might need to be adjusted as you transition into the retirement phase.

  • Allocating your assets: The asset allocation that worked for you during your working years may need to be adjusted in retirement. Look to strike a balance that maximizes growth while minimizing risk.
  • Tax-efficient withdrawal strategies: Consider the tax implications when deciding the order of your withdrawals from retirement accounts.
  • Estate planning: It’s essential to have an estate plan in place, even if you don’t have a large estate. Updated wills, trusts, power of attorney, and healthcare proxies are all important.
  • Inflation: Inflation can eat away at your retirement savings. Have a plan to address inflation and maintain your purchasing power.

Preparing for the Psychological Aspects of Retirement

Retirement signifies a significant life transition, and it’s important mentally prepare for this change.

  • Staying active: Remember, retirement is not synonymous with inactivity. Consider taking on part-time work, volunteering, or pursuing hobbies you didn’t have time for while you were working full-time.
  • Maintaining social connections: Keep in touch with friends, family, and any social groups you are a part of. Consider joining clubs or community groups to make new connections.
  • Mental health: Dealing with feelings of loss or loneliness is common in retirement. Acknowledge these feelings and seek help if needed.
  • Structuring your time: After decades of structure, having no set daily routine can be disorientating. Creating a light daily routine can often help.


Retirement is a new beginning that shouldn’t be approached lightly. With the right planning, recent retirees can thoroughly enjoy this new phase of life. Use this guide as a starting point, and remember, everyone’s situation is unique. Individual needs and circumstances should be carefully considered to ensure your retirement years are as rewarding as they can be.